Ms. Valerie Vise
Ms. Valerie Vise has been the Director of Bands at Bay Springs Middle School since August 2020. Her bands have received excellent and superior ratings in recent evaluations, and she has worked to establish a culture of hard work and responsibility in her classroom. Ms. Vise is also honored to be representing BSMS as its Teacher of the Year for the 23-24 school year!
Ms. Vise is a graduate of the Bowdon cluster, which is where her passion for music and leading the band was first ignited. This is also where Ms. Vise first learned to speak conversational Spanish, which has made her an asset to BSMS and its families that are in need of a translator. After high school, Ms. Vise went on to earn a Bachelor of Music, with a focus in Music Education, from the University of West Georgia. During her undergraduate studies, Ms. Vise was the trumpet section leader, she participated in every ensemble possible for her instrument at least once, and she taught a large studio of trumpet and drum major students from all over Carroll County and beyond. Today, Ms. Vise is currently working to earn a Master of Music in Music Education, also from UWG. (Go Wolves, forever!)
Ms. Vise hopes to inspire her students to love learning music as much as she does, but she knows that great bands are not just great at the music. Great bands are families that look out for one another, and make each other better. If you are looking to become a part of our BSMS band family, or if you have other questions about the band, please contact me at the email address below!
Email: valerie.vise@carrollcountyschools.com